How to Generate and Use a Release Key in React Native

How to Generate and Use a Release Key in React Native

When building a React Native project for production, having a properly configured release key is essential. Without it, you may face issues when uploading your app to Google Play Store. This guide will help you generate and use a release key to ensure your Android APK or AAB is correctly signed and ready for distribution.

When preparing your React Native project for production, you need to generate and configure a release key to sign your Android APK or AAB. This ensures that your app is secure and trusted by app stores like Google Play.


You’re encountering issues generating the release key directly in the Java Home directory due to permission restrictions. Additionally, you’re unsure how to set up the release key for your React Native project.


The following steps will help you generate the key in the project directory and set up your environment for a smooth build process.

Step 1: Generate the Release Key in the Project Directory

Since generating a key in the Java Home directory can lead to permission errors, it’s better to generate the key within your project directory.

Open the Java installation directory: Navigate to your installed JDK directory.

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk

Open Command Prompt: Open the command prompt inside the JDK directory by right-clicking and selecting “Open in Terminal” or simply typing cmd in the address bar.

Generate the Key: Run the following command, but remove the -validity 10000 option to prevent the key from expiring too soon:

keytool -genkeypair -v -storetype PKCS12 -keystore my-upload-key.keystore -alias my-key-alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048
Set Keystore Password: Enter a strong password:
Enter keystore password: 123asd!@# 
Re-enter new password: 123asd!@#

Provide Required Information: Fill in the required information when prompted:

  • First and last name: myname and initialOrganizational Unit: abc private limitedOrganization: abc private limitedCity or Locality: coimbatoreState or Province: tamil naduCountry Code: IN
Confirm the details by typing “Yes”.

Key Generated Successfully: After the process completes, your release key my-upload-key.keystore will be generated and stored in the directory you specified.

Step 2: Add the Release Key to Your Project

Move the Key: Move your newly generated key (my-upload-key.keystore) to the following location in your project:


Set Gradle Variables: Add the key details to


Step 3: Configure Gradle for Release Signing

In your android/app/build.gradle file:

Configure Signing Configs: Add your release signing configuration:

signingConfigs {
    debug {
        storeFile file('debug.keystore')
        storePassword 'android'
        keyAlias 'androiddebugkey'
        keyPassword 'android'
    release {
        storeFile file('my-upload-key.keystore')
        storePassword '123asd!@#'
        keyAlias 'my-key-alias'
        keyPassword '123asd!@#'

Set the Build Type to Release: In the buildTypes block, make sure to use the release signing configuration:

buildTypes {
    release {
        signingConfig signingConfigs.release

Step 4: Build the Release APK or AAB

Build the Android APK: Use the following commands to generate the APK in release mode:

npx react-native build-android --mode=release

Clean the Project: Ensure a clean build by running:

./gradlew clean

Generate the Release Bundle: Create the AAB (Android App Bundle):

./gradlew bundlerelease


By following these steps, you successfully generate a release key and configure your React Native project for production builds. Ensuring the correct setup of keys and signing configs is crucial to deploying your app securely to app stores.

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